Can Vitamin C Help Prevent Arthritis?

The Arthritis Foundation has suggested that taking vitamin C can help protect against inflammatory arthritis. It is clear that vitamin C is beneficial for everyone, regardless of whether they have arthritis or not. Therefore, it is important to maintain a healthy balance of vitamin C in the body. Studies have shown that vitamin C can be beneficial for those with early stages of arthrosis.

Research has indicated that vitamin C may be able to prevent cartilage damage associated with osteoarthritis. A number of vitamins have been studied to determine their effects on arthritis, including vitamins A, C, and E, as well as vitamins D and K. So far, there is no evidence that taking antioxidant vitamins improves arthritis symptoms, although eating a diet rich in these nutrients is generally healthy. Vitamins D and K are essential for bone strength, and vitamin K plays a role in the structure of cartilage.

Supplementing these two vitamins can be beneficial if someone is deficient in them. A study conducted on the British population found that the antioxidant can prevent inflammatory polyarthritis, a type of rheumatoid arthritis that affects five or more joints, by modulating the autoimmune response. Additionally, vitamin C appears to moderate the autoimmune response in rheumatoid arthritis and help prevent the chronic condition from worsening. The results of the study showed that getting the right amount of vitamin C is essential for both preventing inflammatory arthritis and maintaining healthy joints with arthrosis (1).

Jill Sizemore
Jill Sizemore

Total food lover. Passionate beer maven. Beer ninja. Proud web specialist. General twitter scholar.